This Piscean Full Moon held with Virgo Sun Season has our Intuition coupled with Practical, Heaven and Earth, Vision and Tradition. This time period of 5 planets in retrograde, Piscean Full Moon, Schumann Resonance in a 4 day black out, Solar G-force class Flares, the end of a Monarchy….so much change, chaos, influx and outgo is upon us. During this time until mid-October, it is best not to make hasty decisions as we are in the Space Between Stories...let us pause, reflect, tune-in to our Higher Guidance and be patient for the right decision in the right time.
We are being made aware of 'the game' on Earth, best to proof source of info, use your own rational mind of research and your Spiritual Sense of DISCERNMENT.
We need to be extra special uber mindful of our words, our outburts, our PROTECTION during this time as the past will revisit us in childhood drama, wounding, hurts, betrayals and sabotage. The full moon engages 'the veil' of the unseen into the known, the Shadows into the Light as our unhealed aspects are triggered and brought to surface to heal. It is a time of Shadow play, Release and ReSet….letting go of what no longer serves us, triggers, us, disrespects, manipulates, or goes against our Truth of Light and Love...Peace. If they want to leave, let them. Be aware of expectations, just don't. Come home to SELF during these Shadow Times, the Spiritual Warrior knows when to retreat, regroup and reprioritize.
There is another level of consciousness going on simultaneously to the material one that we see with our earthly eyes. Under the surface, on a soul level, we feel and know things—and access our divine connection—in ways that can be of great service to our material lives. Kind of like, “in the world, but not of the world”. We want to be in the world but with consciousness of our spiritual wisdom.
When we see this day with sacred eyes, we are looking through the lens of our higher self. We give value to Holy in the small. We reorganize our priorities to let love take the lead. We ask for guidance, faith and wisdom to get us through. We look for joy, flow and Grace to lift us up. We release resistance and fear. We become lighter and clearer.
When we allow our day to be shaped by spiritual priorities, we allow energy to flow outward with loving kindness and that opens a huge space within for blessings to flow toward us.
When we end each day with a grateful heart, we see clearly from the overview of our highest self, how many incredible gifts we have been given. We accept that challenges have purpose and meaning. We surrender to what has not been done will be accomplished in its perfect time.
See Goodness and Beauty, Allow Love to flow from your heart into the hearts of others, give Thanks in all things.
MANTRA: "In the darkness my heart is open to love and my mind is available for expansion and my Soul receives peace."